Monterey Peninsula Pride Board Recruiting New Talent
Monterey Peninsula Pride is looking for talented volunteers to join our Board of Directors. The application period will open on Monday, February 1, 2021, and be available on our social media and website. All applications must be submitted by Monday, March 1, 2021, by 11:59 p.m. Applications will be reviewed and voting will occur between Tuesday, March 9 at 6 p.m. and Wednesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. Results will be announced during the next virtual Monterey Peninsula Pride Board meeting on Wednesday, March 10 anytime between 6 to 8 p.m., and also sent out electronically following our board meeting.
“As we all live through these unprecedented times, we are learning that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community are disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tyller Williamson, Board Co-Chair. “Monterey Pride needs volunteers more than ever to provide support for youth, seniors, and all those already struggling with discrimination in the LGBTQ+ community. We are looking for motivated and energetic community members to join our team, particularly as we launch our #Out4MentalHealth campaign.”
#Out4MentalHealth is a statewide project that engages LGBTQ+ people to develop a mental health equity agenda and offer tools and resources that address these disparities and make our shared goals a reality. Monterey Peninsula Pride has partnered with the California LGBTQ+ Health and Human services network and is currently in the initial phases of the project in Monterey County.
Positions being recruited include Secretary, Co-Chair (Non-Signing), Organizational Sustainability Committee Chair, Marketing and Communications Committee Chair, Communications Volunteer, Fundraising Coordinator, and 3 open Board Member seats.
Learn more about our elections and submit your application by March 1 here:
Christine Miller, Board Member
Tyller Williamson, Board Co-Chair